Hi guys, I'm trying to write down my thesis in Lyx, but I find kind of tricky the way inputencoding is treated. When I try to write a greek character such as delta, an error shows up.
I've tried two different ways: - writing it in Latex Code (Ctrl + L) (a simple Latex block with "\delta" within): it says "Missing $ inserted." and doesn't do anything further. When I click "do it anyway", Latex code seems to affect the whole line, till it finds a "special character", but my greek letter does not appear. - writing it as an inline equation (Ctrl + M) ("\delta" in a blue square): "Package inputenc Error: Unicode char...", but pdf is shown without clicking anything. It works, but I strongly believe these errors shouldn't be there... May you please help me to deal with this problem? Could you please tell how to make it work in both ways? Thank you all in advance! Best regards, Juanjo