On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com>

> As time permits I'll look at the available LaTeX packages. I use LaTeX/LyX
> for almost all my writing and the modern CV and resume package looks highly
> professional and is impressive, so I assume business card templates will
> also be of this quality.


Some additional considerations...

While I really like LaTeX / LyX for documentation, I'm reluctant to use it
for things that require specific visual layout like business cards or
posters.  With LyX's WYSIWYM philosophy and LaTeX's "focus on content, not
layout" approach, this somewhat goes against the precise graphical design
for such media.  Such documents are also either infrequent (in the case of
business cards) or one-time (in the case of posters) editing tasks.  So
having reproducible formatting may not be as important.  You might also
find yourself tweaking esoteric LaTeX settings / ERT to get things just
right, while a simple nudge in a graphical design tool would do.  However,
for something "simple" like a business card, maybe doing everything in TikZ
would work.

I don't mean to discourage, but just want to suggest that while LaTeX / LyX
might get to a satisfactory result, it may not be the right and/or most
efficient toolset for the job.

- Joel

P.S. If you'd like to see how I setup a business card sheet in Inkscape,
let me know and I'll forward along my .svg and .pdf files.

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