Sending a second time, since evidently the version with attachments did not go 

On May 29, 2017, at 10:44 AM, David Pesetsky 
<<>> wrote:

Thank you for your reply.  This is Lyx version 2.2.3, installed from .dmg.

Focusing on the first of the two problems I wrote about:

1. Open LyX:Preferences  (with no file open)
2. Change any setting, for example, Screen Font (but it can be any change on 
any submenu)
3. Click "Apply"
4. Click "Save"
5. all is well - the preference is saved and works

1. Open a Lyx file in the editor window.
2. Change any setting, for example, Screen Font (but it can be anything, on any 
3. Click "Apply"
4. A white box appears and the program freezes.
5. Also: if you click on the editor window while the program is in its frozen 
state, that window turns black.

I don't know if this message board will accept attachments, but I'll send 
screen shots, in case they get through.

<Screen Shot 2017-05-29 at 10.41.20 AM.png>

<Screen Shot 2017-05-29 at 10.42.14 AM.png>

On May 29, 2017, at 10:29 AM, Joel Kulesza 
<<>> wrote:

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 7:26 AM, David Pesetsky 
<<>> wrote:
I have been trying out Lyx on the Mac over the past week, and have a repeated 
problem setting preferences.  If I try to apply or save any preference from the 
Lyx menu while there is a document open, a blank white box appears (as if the 
system is trying to show me a message of some sort, except there is no message) 
and the program freezes.  This is repeatable on both my laptop and iMac running 
MacOS 10.12.5, and the only way out is to force-quit the program.  I eventually 
learned that setting preferences only works if there is no open document.

Additionally, if I try to change a key binding that is already assigned to 
another function, the program notifies me, and asks me if I want to reassign 
the key — but if I say yes, I am dumped out of preferences and nothing is saved.

These look like bugs, but any information or assistance (am I doing something 
wrong somewhere?) would be helpful.



Which version of LyX (LyX Menu -> About LyX)?  Installed from .dmg or compiled 

If you give a step-by-step examples to reproduce what you're experiencing, I'll 
try to reproduce and will report back.

- Joel

David Pesetsky [<>]
Head, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
32-D818 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
(617) 253-0957 office           (617) 253-5017 fax

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