Hello everyone, I want to be able to produce documents with furigana scripture (kana over kanji in japanese writings) and I've found this links describing how to do it in plain LaTeX https://quantumtunnel.wordpress.com/2013/12/01/furigana-%E3%81%B5%E3%82%8A%E3%81%8C%E3%81%AA%EF%BC%89in-latex/ http://timmurphy.org/2012/12/28/writing-kanji-with-furigana-hiragana-above-in-latex/
But when I try to implement that into the LyX LaTeX preamble I just get furigana (characters above) in the size as the main characters, which is not what one would want (furigana has to be smaller than the main character). I've searched for an implementation in LyX on the web and through the documentation but with no avail, so my question is, as there doesn't seems to be a feature for this in LyX, it's there a way I can get it to work? And, would it be fine to ask to the development mailing list to add a feature to ease the writing of kanji with furigana? *Best regards, Daniel Gómez*