Yes, this is not a minimal example, but I am hesitant to touch this document from LyX 2.1 so that I wouldn’t accidentally fixed it. When trying to open it with lyx-2.2.2-1.fc25.x86_64 I get this:
matej@mitmanek: marketa$ lyx Ph.D.project-Brno1.lyx Error: Document format failure ---------------------------------------- /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.CLmZrzV11492/Buffer_convertLyXFormatk11492.lyx is not a readable LyX document. matej@mitmanek: marketa$ Any ideas, what's wrong? Best, Matěj --, Jabber: GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8 “I have read St. Paul’s epistle on charity,” he said, “and, after long reflection, I am persuaded that there exists a greater thing than charity—a thing of more value to the human family. Like charity, it rejoiceth not in iniquity, but it does not bear all things or believe all things, or endure all things; and, unlike charity, it seeketh its own … Do you know what thing I mean, Smallwood? I will tell you. It is Justice.” -- Uncle Abner in “The House of the Dead Man” by Melville Davisson Post
0_2DS96JRI 0_9RRJI5RJ 0_S69C7NHU 0_ZI9N3WDD 0_ZU58CZ5J @book{kolektivpracovnikrulingeas.r.o.gramatika, title = {Gramatika sou{\v c}asn{\'e} {\v c}e{\v s}tiny {\textbar} {Lingea} s.r.o.}, url = {}, urldate = {2017-03-03}, author = {kolektiv pracovn{\'i}k{\r u} Lingea s.r.o.}, file = {Gramatika sou{\v c}asn{\'e} {\v c}e{\v s}tiny | Lingea s.r.o.:/home/marketa/.mozilla/firefox/1oo173o1.test/zotero/storage/U66I7NWT/ceska-gramatika.html:text/html} } @misc{infinitiv, title = {{INFINITIV} {\textbar} {Nov{\'y}} encyklopedick{\'y} slovn{\'i}k {\v c}e{\v s}tiny}, shorttitle = {{NES{\v C}}/{Infinitiv}}, url = {}, urldate = {2017-03-03}, journal = {Nov{\'y} encyklopedick{\'y} slovn{\'i}k {\v c}e{\v s}tiny/Infinitiv}, file = {INFINITIV | Nov{\'y} encyklopedick{\'y} slovn{\'i}k {\v c}e{\v s}tiny:/home/marketa/.mozilla/firefox/1oo173o1.test/zotero/storage/9ZIQ9DFG/INFINITIV.html:text/html} } @book{pravdova2014akademicka, address = {Praha}, edition = {Lingvistika}, title = {Akademick{\'a} p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ka {\v c}esk{\'e}ho jazyka}, isbn = {978-80-200-2327-8}, url = {}, abstract = {Internetovou jazykovou p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ku kolektivu autor{\r u} {\'U}stavu pro jazyk {\v c}esk{\'y} AV {\v C}R vyu{\v z}ilo b{\v e}hem prvn{\'i}ch t{\v r}{\'i} let od jej{\'i}ho zp{\v r}{\'i}stupn{\v e}n{\'i} v{\'i}ce ne{\v z} milion u{\v z}ivatel{\r u}. Jej{\'i} v{\'y}kladov{\'a} {\v c}{\'a}st nyn{\'i} vych{\'a}z{\'i} poprv{\'e} kni{\v z}n{\v e}. Najdete zde obecn{\'a} pou{\v c}en{\'i} o {\v c}esk{\'e}m jazyce, zejm{\'e}na o pravopisu, tvaroslov{\'i} a n{\v e}kter{\'y}ch syntaktick{\'y}ch jevech. Ve v{\'y}kladech se uv{\'a}d{\v e}j{\'i} i rozpory v {\'u}daj{\'i}ch, kter{\'e} jednotliv{\'e} jazykov{\'e} p{\v r}{\'i}ru{\v c}ky p{\v r}in{\'a}{\v s}ej{\'i}, nebo rozd{\'i}ly mezi kodifikac{\'i} a spisovn{\'y}m {\'u}zem, a to s hodnot{\'i}c{\'i}m koment{\'a}{\v r}em a doporu{\v c}en{\'y}m {\v r}e{\v s}en{\'i}m. Kniha je ur{\v c}ena jak {\v s}irok{\'e} ve{\v r}ejnosti, tak profesion{\'a}ln{\'i}m u{\v z}ivatel{\r u}m, zvl{\'a}{\v s}t{\v e} u{\v c}itel{\r u}m a student{\r u}m.}, language = {{\v c}esky}, urldate = {2017-03-03}, publisher = {Academia}, editor = {Pravdov{\'a}, Mark{\'e}ta and Svobodov{\'a}, Ivana}, year = {2014}, file = {Snapshot:/home/marketa/.mozilla/firefox/1oo173o1.test/zotero/storage/66V892C8/akademicka-prirucka-ceskeho-jazyka.html:text/html} } @book{vcechova1996vcev, address = {Praha}, title = {{\v C}e{\v s}tina - {\v r}e{\v c} a jazyk}, isbn = {978-80-85866-12-4}, language = {Czech}, publisher = {ISV nakladatelstv{\'i}}, author = {{\v C}echov{\'a}, Marie and Hlavsa, Zden{\v e}k and Dokulil, Milo{\v s} and Hru{\v s}kov{\'a}, Zde{\v n}ka and Hrb{\'a}{\v c}ek, Josef}, year = {1996}, note = {OCLC: 440808461} } @misc{novyencyklopedicky, title = {Nov{\'y} encyklopedick{\'y} slovn{\'i}k {\v c}e{\v s}tiny}, url = {}, urldate = {2017-03-03}, file = {Nov{\'y} encyklopedick{\'y} slovn{\'i}k {\v c}e{\v s}tiny:/home/marketa/.mozilla/firefox/1oo173o1.test/zotero/storage/KCZ28RJ3/slovnik.html:text/html} }
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