On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 04:42:58PM -0800, Christos Makridis wrote:
> Hey Lyx Users,
> Thank you very much for the reply. I actually didn't receive a reply
> earlier and I checked my spam, so perhaps also copy my gmail (
> christos.a.makri...@gmail.com) as well.
> I had tried taking out the comma from the citation that Scott mentioned
> from the earlier post, but it doesn't solve the problem. I repeated it
> again and am including the error message. Just to be clear, the bib file
> was working fine on the earlier lyx version -- it's just the most recent
> one creating the problem.

Can you send a minimal example to the list? In this case it would be a
.lyx file and a .bib file. For more information, see



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