On 01/21/2017 03:19 PM, David Rosenberg wrote:
I routinely need to make 2 versions of my beamer slides: handout and
not-handout. My current plan to do this is to have a program that
rewrites the lyx file win two different ways (with and without the
handout option), and compile each. I'm wondering if there's an easier
e.g. Is it possible to make a new export option that writes two
versions of the file? Not sure how customizable the exports are...
The following should work (I think), though I'm not sure it's easier
than writing an external script:
1. Copy beamer.layout to a new file (for the sake of argument,
"beamer-handout.layout") and put it in your local layout directory.
Edit it to contain the handout option in the ClassOptions section.
2. Reconfigure LyX, so that it knows about the layout.
3. Bind some unused keyboard combination to the command
'textclass-apply beamer-handout'. You might want to bind a second
combination to 'textclass-apply beamer' so that you can toggle back
and forth at will.
4. After creating a presentation (in either format), export it the
usual way, whack the right key combo to switch to the other format,
and export again.