The default shortcut is ctrl-P followed by a number (0= Part, 1= Chapter, 
2=Section, etc.).
The ctrl-P followed by * and a number results in the unnumbered environments.

Good luck,

Jan Annaert
From: "<>" 
<<>> on behalf of Bernt 
Lie <<>>
Date: Thursday 11 August 2016 14:36
To: Annaert Jan <<>>, 
Subject: RE: New paragraphs within description lists, numbered lists, etc.

Thanks, Jan on tip wrt. TAB (increase depth).

Is there a keyboard shortcut to access the elements in the pull-down list with 
Subsubsection, etc.? [cid:image001.png@01D1F3DD.CDCFBA80]


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Annaert Jan
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 14:20
Subject: Re: New paragraphs within description lists, numbered lists, etc.

On 11/08/16 14:03, " on behalf of Bernt 
< on behalf of<>>

>Thanks, Kornel! I forgot about the "increase depth"... (Is there a keyboard 
>short-cut for that? And also a keyboard shortcut for switching to standard 




>-----Original Message-----

>[] On Behalf Of Kornel Benko

>Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2016 13:43


>Subject: Re: New paragraphs within description lists, numbered lists, etc.


>Am Donnerstag, 11. August 2016 um 11:32:04, schrieb Bernt Lie 

>> Preliminaries: I use Windows 10 with LyX 2.2.1.


>> Question:


>> ·        How can I start a new paragraph *within* a description list, a 
>> numbered list, etc., *without* have the first word typeset in bold face, 
>> numbered, etc. Consider the following example:


>> Substance: a substance is ....

>> Note that a substance differs from a species in the following...



>> If I’m in a description list and simply take CR at the end of the first 
>> line, the new paragraph will be a new description item. But I don’t want 
>> that (in this case) – I simply want a new paragraph so that the new sentence 
>> (“Note that...”) is logically separated from the first sentence of the 
>> description.


>> How do I do this in LyX 2.2.1?


>> Thanks,

>> B.


>1.) Select descrition

>2.) insert 'Substance: a substance is ....'

>3.) insert CRLF

>4.) write 'Note that a substance differs from a species in the following...'

>5.) increase depth

>6.) Select standard


>             Kornel

To increase depth, just use the Tab. To decrease the next paragraph use 
Shift-Tab or sometimes just CRLF.

Jan Annaert

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