I'm working in Windows 10 with MiKTeX distibution. If I write in my preamble: \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{external} \tikzexternalize[prefix={Figures/}] all works well, but the externalized files are stored in a LyX temp dir, hence I loose them when I close LyX. If I write: \tikzexternalize[prefix={"C:/Users/MyName MySurname/Documents/LaTeX/Figures/"}] I get the error: ! I can't write on file `"C:/Users/MyName MySurname/Documents/LaTeX/Figures/MyDoc-figure0.md5"'. I've also posted a question on TEX SE, but till without answer: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/319721/tikz-externalization-with-absolute-path-and-miktex-distribution Could anyone help me? Thank you!