Kiuhnm <kiuhnm2015 <at>> writes:

> I came up with a (not so clean) solution:

Try replacing everything between \begin_body and \end_body with the
following and see if it looks right:

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula 
H(Z) & \leq\mathbb{E}_{Z}\lceil I(Z)\rceil &  & <H(Z)+1 & \iff\\
nH(X) & \leq\mathbb{E}_{Z}\lceil I(Z)\rceil &  & <nH(X)+1 & \iff\\
H(X) & \leq\frac{\mathbb{E}_{Z}\lceil I(Z)\rceil}{n} &  & <H(X)+\frac{1}{n}.



It uses an alignat environment with three columns added (raising the total
from the default two to five), leaving the third column empty (so that the
last expressions before \iff align left rather than right).


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