Hi, I have a question concerning the space around centered equation. When you type text and then add centered equations you may get a different results if you add an empty line; e.g. the following text will produce more spaces in the second case:
Test 1 \[ A_{1}=\frac{h}{2} \] End Test 1 Test 2 \[ A_{1}=\frac{h}{2} \] End Test 2 When using LyX, the fact that you have generated or not a blank line is basically hidden. As far as I know, the only way to detect it is looking at the LateX Source panel. Hence my question is: Is there a workaround to know where I placed a blank line? Is it possible that Lyx shows a special character, or something similar, to let you know where you put a blank line (I mean something like the carriage return in WORD, that can be visible or it can be hidden)? Best regards Giorgio Zavarise _____________________________________________________ Giorgio Zavarise Chair of Structural Mechanics Chairman of the Italian Group of Computational Mechanics - GIMC <http://www.gimc.it/> Università del Salento - Dept. of Engineering for Innovation Via per Monteroni, edificio “La Stecca” 73100 Lecce Tel. +39 0832 29 7275 Handy +39 338 26 90187 Email giorgio.zavar...@unisalento.it <mailto:giorgio.zavar...@unisalento.it> _____________________________________________________