> Hi there,
> please don't laugh at me but within LyX the keys "shift - left arrow" or
> "shift - right-arrow" don't work anymore. The only thing I did was to
> change the bind-file to $HOME/.lyx/bind/de_menus.bind yesterday.
> But when I started to work with LyX this morning the above mentioned keys
> don't work anymore.
> Any hints are welcome
> Stephan
Sorry for wasting bandwidth but I think I must be a little bit more precise
(the "send mail immediately"-button was obviously too near to my mouse
pointer :-):
I use the "shift - left-arrow" and so on to mark text. Within other
applications these keys work well but only within LyX they don't seem to work
System & Environment specification: LyX 1.1.6fix1, SuSE 7.0, KDE 2.1
Thanks again
Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
- chief concept & design developer -
speed2web GmbH Germany
FON: +49 921 99 00 86 12
FAX: +49 921 99 00 86 70