Hello Jürgen,

no, not directly. As a single line break is ignored in Latex, Lyx seems to
remove these single line breaks automatically to make the editor layout
consistent with the output. I think you have two options here:

1) Use double line breaks in the text you paste into the ERT. Lyx will
convert this to single line breaks in the ERT which translates to a
whitespace in the output. (see files attached)
2) Use the listing environment (Insert > Program listing). Everything you
insert there will be interpreted verbatim. This is the way to go if you
would like to insert program code in your document.


2016-02-21 9:38 GMT+01:00 Jürgen Lange <juergen.la...@unitybox.de>:

> Hello,
> Code with carriage returns
> a
> a
> a
> a
> inserted in ERT inset in Lyx appears as
> a a a a
> Is it possible to keep the carriage returns?
> (This is important in cases with huge parts of code, example: gnuplot
> scripts)
> Regards
> Jürgen

Attachment: ert_linebreaks.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: ert_linebreaks.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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