> Hello Lyx,
> Im having a problem when using threeparttablex with longtables. In order
> to see the table I am working with, I have chosen to use ERT code to
> \begin{ThreePartTable} and then \begin{TableNotes} .... \end{TableNotes}
> etc then ive inserted a table and made it a long table.
> Everything works if you just put in the ERT code \end{ThreePartTable}, but
> then there are no actual table notes. I cant work out where to put the ERT
> code \insertTableNotes. According to the documentation, it needs to be
> inside the longtable, but I cant work out how to do it without getting an
> error \misaligned etc.

You can put in ERT just after the end of your Longtable and before 

\item[1] A note 
\item[2] Another note 

Beware 'tablenotes' and not 'TableNotes'


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