On Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 11:35:16PM +0000, Paola Manzini wrote:

> The path for the temporary directory is:
> /var/folders/_q/_lf49ll933z7xvnbfdtmn8100000gn/T

OK. Can you do the following:

1. Exit all LyX instances.
2. Run the command
   ls -lR /var/folders/_q/_lf49ll933z7xvnbfdtmn8100000gn/
3. Open one .lyx file (which you said does not cause an error).
4. Run the same command as in 2.
5. Open another .lyx file. This should produce the error. Before
clicking on OK for the error or anything else, run the same command as
in step 2 again.
6. (still without clicking OK on the error or anything else), run the
   mkdir <path that is shown in the error>

So you should run the command in step 2 a total of 3 times and send us
all of the output. Also send us the output from the mkdir command.

> I ditched the stable version, so only have 2.2.0alpha2 now.


> Finally, I am not sure whether this is what you wanted, but I used the 
> command in a Terminal window, which returned:
> Filesystem   Size   Used  Avail Capacity  iused     ifree %iused  Mounted on
> /dev/disk1  931Gi  360Gi  570Gi    39% 94431751 149513719   39%   /

Yes this is what I wanted. I just wanted to confirm that the filesystem
your temporary directory is on is not full (as the error you posted


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