Op 27-11-15 om 09:06 schreef Michael Berger:
On 11/26/2015 06:57 PM, Herbert Voss wrote:
Am 26.11.2015 um 16:54 schrieb Michael Berger:
I did the 'leap' from openSUSE 13.2 to 42.1 /KDE.
Unfortunately, I can find no working Kbibtex for it.
That hurts a lot to all of us with scientific and linguistic papers at
Is somebody out there who can help? Any clue or replacement?
Dear Alessandro, dear Herbert,
thanks for your comments.
Among other attempts I already tried so called "unstable packages" of
KBibTex and ended up in a disaster.
I could not even restart Leap and was forced to make a new clean install.
So, please understand that I am more than reluctant to repeat what I've
done until a user turns up who succeeded in finding and installing a
workable version of KBibTex.
If either of you has openSUSE Leap 42.1 installed and successfully uses
such a workable version of KBibTex, please tell me which version it is
and where to find it.
Fortunately, I have openSUSE 13.2 still running on a second machine and
could revert to it when it comes to my linguistic writings.
These are the details of my openSUSE Leap 42.1 setup:
KDE, BTRFS for root, XFS for /home
Trying jabref to me would only be a second choice.
Thanks and cheers,
Michael Berger
Hi Michael,
In Leap 42.1 the number of "community repositories" that could be added
in Yast > Repositories (or however that is translated) is limited to
discourage adding additional repositories that can mess the system.
Before the KDE:Extra repository could easily be added that way. Now you
have to do this manually.
In Yast > Repositories add a new repository. Choose whatever name you
like for it and add the following url:
Then kbibtex is available and updates of it will automatically be installed.
Hope this helps. And maybe I or someone else will push this package into
the distribution itself one day.
Hope this helps you and maybe others.