On 7/10/15 4:38 AM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

The only other idea is that maybe Qt (a GUI toolkit that LyX uses) is
caching something on your flash drive. Again, I have no idea on Windows
how find this out. 'strace' would be what I would use on Linux.

Please keep us updated on this if you figure out the mystery.

I have cygwin installed on my computer so I tried using its strace command to run Lyx.

Unfortunately, this was not very edifying, at least to me. Perhaps cygwin is not that well integrated into the windows operating system so it does not report internal Windows system calls??


Here is a capture of the commands and output with my comments:

---> Comment: first I tried to run Lyx with strace using some options (V=version, d=debug). It just gave the version without running Lyx
--->end comment

$ strace -Vd /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2//LYX2~1.1//bin//lyx.exe P58BH3recon2.lyx
strace (cygwin) 1.7.35
System Trace
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bob@ivy /cygdrive/l/Projects/Blog/Posts/P58BH3recon2

---> comment
then I used strace without any options. Now it did run Lyx, I got the scan of the flash drive but there was no output while Lyx was running. After I exited Lyx (File|exit) I got the few lines of output shown below.
----> end comment

$ strace /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~2//LYX2~1.1//bin//lyx.exe P58BH3recon2.lyx
--- Process 1080, exception 4000001f at 0000000077A4129B

bob@ivy /cygdrive/l/Projects/Blog/Posts/P58BH3recon2

I tried re-directing the output of the strace command but got essentially the same result as shown above. The process number was different but the memory address of the exception was the same.
-----------> end comment

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