On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 11:23 AM, José Matos <jama...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On Thursday 09 July 2015 23:19:07 Liviu Andronic wrote:
>> Perhaps we should consider renaming it to something like: "Child
>> Document (TeX or LyX)"?
>> Liviu
> Note that a child document can also be a programming listings or any other 
> file to be included verbatim. :-)
Absolutely, yet our naming is so terse so as to prove confusing. Maybe
we need a tooltip there, or a status message appearing when hovering
the item, or something else. Otherwise people simply won't really know
what that item is supposed to do, or worse assume that LyX is unable
to do this at all (when it does!). I know RTFM would be one way to
approach this, but maybe there is something we can do to ease
confusion... Say, and yet another shot in the dark: "Include Child
Document (.tex, .lyx, etc.)"


> --
> José Abílio

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Or what it means to be intelligent?
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