On 2015-07-06, Richard Opheim wrote: > [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: --]
> I'm having a problem with inputting Japanese into an English doc. > I use LyX 2.1.3 on Windows 8. > The doc is mostly English and I want to use Times New Roman. > I know that if I go to Doc settings/Font, check "Use non-TeX fonts", and > select a Japanese font (such as MS PMincho) in the "Roman" box, I can > compile the (attached) minimal example. > However, I lose bolding, italics, and the apostrophes look funny. In fact, > the whole roman alphabet part of this font is pretty bad. > What I really want to select in the drop-down box is Times New Roman, but > then the Japanese characters won't appear at all. > Any suggestions? The "fontspec" TeX package used by LyX for "non-TeX fonts" allows advanced configuring with different fonts for different scripts. You can set "Times" in the GUI and use the "LateX preamble" in Document>Settings for the selection of a font for Japanese. See the "fonspec" documentation for details. http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fontspec/fontspec.pdf Günter