Am 02.07.2015 um 18:49 schrieb hatim ali:
Dear Uwe
- i updated arabic po file.

- small Questions:
chapter title from left to right, i want to make the text from rtl.
please see the attachment file.

Hi Hatim,

you found a regression bug in LyX 2.2dev. Could you please report it in our bug tracker.

Opening your file with LyX 2.1.x the chapter title is correctly RTL.

In you example file you use a lot of code in the document preamble. You don't need all of it. For example


will automatically be added by LyX when you use the page style "fancy" in the document settings.

For custom header/footer lines LyX provides the module "custom header/footer lines".
So you could add things like
directly in the main text.

LyX also supports hyperref copletely. So things like
\usepackage{hyperref}%لتلوين الاشارات المرجعية وجعل الفهارس قابلة للنقر
can be omitted in the preamble since you can set this in the document settings under PDF properties.

Attached is your example file (in the format of LyX 2.2dev) where i removed some preamble code as I described.

In general please use the simplest possible version for a test file (remove also all unnecessary preamble code.

regards Uwe

Attachment: chapter.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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