On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 03:43:55PM +0200, Michael Berger wrote: > Hi Philip, > thank you, I will check what you said - makes sense. However, if the path to > my bib-file is wrong, how can I cite references from it? > And: never ever did my system complain capital letters nor spaces in file > names in any of my numerous LyX documents (before trying biblatex). > > Anyway, I will check that too and then report back. > > Michael
Hi Michael, biblatex is a differnet program than bibtex. One might allow paths that are case-insensitive (this is incorrect behavior in my opinion on Linux) while the other might not. Also note that LyX is a separate program from the above two, so you might be able to select a reference from LyX but biblatex not find it (again, because they are separate programs). In general on Linux, you should always be careful with case sensitivity in filenames. Best, Scott