How do others locate compilation errors in large multi-file documents? I get a 'Missing } inserted' error for 'l.1052' when compiling but can't relate that line number to the LyX source. I then try exporting to tex using pdflatex into a temporary directory and search through all 16 tex files looking for errors on or near line 1052.
An alternative approach would have been to comment the 'includes'/'inputs' for various chapters of my thesis then try to recompile but this partitioning approach would be slow given that it currently takes ~5mins to compile my thesis. I'm sure I can find the cause of the error eventually; I was just wondering if there were a neat way of identifying the location of errors. At present pretty much everything in LyX is a joy and very slick apart from locating the source of errors. FYI, yes I am using a little Evil Red Text (to use \resizebox within table floats). Cheers, Will