Csikos Bela  írta:
>Scott Kostyshak írta:
>>On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:
>>> Hello:
>>> I would like to load natbib manually in the preamble why keeping the 
>>> capability of >>>using lyx's insert cite options. How can I?
>>Can you try going to document > settings > Local Layout and putting in there:
>>Provides natbib 1
>>Then validate, then "OK". Then load natbib yourself.
>Thanks Scott.
>It works only partially.
>What works: I can use insert citation and can select from citation options.
>What doesn't work: Author-year type citation options are shown only (same as 
>when >natbib style is set to author-year in lyx). I need options for numerical 
>natbib style.

OK, I found how to make it work.

When local layout is set, Natbib becomes selected in Bibliography settings and 
one can select either Author-year or Numerical style. Selecting numerical 
solves my problem.

Thanks again,


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