Hi Aline,

the following example patches package `nomencl` to use the commands available with KOMA-script. Please test the example in it presented way, then implement it in LyX.

You can find more information about KOMA-script in the manual.

Please keep the list in cc.


% >8 %%
%\tracingpatches%for debugging
%removes any preset header, no toc-entry
%sets headers and toc entry
\ihead*{\leftmark}%for debugging visualization

\nomenclature{h}{Ein Buchstabe}
\captionof{table}{andere Beschriftung}
% >8 %%

On 02.03.2015 21:05, Aline Gautrein wrote:
Hi Johannes,

thanks for the quick answer.
I have already generated bot: the List of Tables, as well as the List of
Abbrevations. They are both in the table of contents. I used :


If I use this command, the header of the List of Abbrevations is "List of

If I use


I will get an empty page just with the chapter title and then a new page
with the chapter title and the corresponding list.

Do you have any idea?

Thanks a lot!

Am 2. März 2015 um 20:41 schrieb Johannes Böttcher <


How can you clear the header when issuing an unnumbered chapter/section?

The generic way would be to use `\markboth{}{}`. Depending on how you are
generating the List of Abbreviations, you could use `\addchap*` (or
`\addsec*` for scrartcl) which is the correct way with KOMA script. If you,
by any chance, want to have a numbered list, use `\addchap` (`\addsec`).

Best regards

PS: Please note, this is an english speaking list.

On 02.03.2015 19:52, Aline Gautrein wrote:

Hallo liebe Lyx-User,

ich schreibe gerade eine Abschlussarbeit mit Lyx.
Ich schreibe mit KOMA Skript.
Ich habe an den Anfang des Dokumentes Listen für Abbildungen, Tabellen
Im Ausgabedokument steht im Seitenkopf, wo man sich gerade befindet, also
zB.: "List of Figures" oder "List of Tables".

Jetzt mein Problem:
Nach der "List of Tables" folgt noch "List of Abbrevations".
Das Problem: Alle Seiten der "List of Abbrevations" sind mit "List of
Tables" überschriftet.
Weiß jemand, welchen Trenner ich einfügen kann, dass dies nicht mehr
Sowas wie


oder so?

Danke und Grüße

  • KOMA Skript Aline Gautrein
    • Re: KOMA Skript Johannes Böttcher

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