In that case, can you post your call to biblatex located in the preamble?


On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 6:49 AM, jezZiFeR <> wrote:

> Hello Ben,
> yes, I use biber as backend, sorry for not telling that before. So I have
> those problems in spite of using biber.
> Best
> Jess
>  Benedict Holland <>
>  4. Februar 2015 17:56
> Are you using biblatex and biber as a backend? I don't think bibtex and
> bibtex8 displays URLs by default. Biber does however. If this is something
> which you need, perhaps biber is an option you want?
> ~Ben
>   jezZiFeR <>
>  3. Februar 2015 18:18
> Hello,
> I have a question regarding citing-formats for URLs. In the moment I donĀ“t
> get figured out, how the title of my reference could be displayed. In
> BisDesk I tried out the different BibText-types (URL, electronic, webpage).
> None of them shows the title, and also noct the URL-date. I use the recent
> version of BibDesk, LyX and have installed biblatex-dw, which I use with
> footnote-dw.
> Is it normal, that the title of electronic sources is not shown?
> Thank you
> Jess

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