On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> can you tell me how to compile the 1.1.6fix1 on a SuSE6.3 system?
> Couldn't run the configure-script (Cannot find forms.h.... Although I
> helped the script find it with the --with-extra flags).
> What source of xforms and libXpm is best?

I managed to _compile_ it on SuSE 6.3 ok, but I have not yet
installed or tested the new version -- have to finish some writings first
with the old one.

>From your error message it seems you do not have the xforms development
package (xformsd) installed -- that is you must install both xforms and
xformsd packages. If you have the full SuSE CD-set, the package is there.
If you made the installation from the single CD evaluation version you
must get the xformsd package from a Suse ftp-site.

For libXpm I used the package (xpm) that came with the distro. No problems

Compiler may be a problem. The gcc delivered with Suse 6.3 is too old, so
I had to use egcs (again the version that came with distro seems to work).
And if I remember right the package gpp must also be installed. Both these
are found from the Suse series d if you use Yast to install stuff. I think
one of these conflicts with something that is required by the gcc package,
though I am no sure of this.

For sources I used the source RPM from Kayvan A. Sylvan's ftp site, which
seems to work fine. I did only minor editing on the spec file to change
the names of required packages: the (la)tex packages on Redhat (on which
the source RPM has been built) and Suse have different names, but this
editing is only necessary to keep the rpm system happy, it does not effect
the functionality of lyx.

"Erkon puheita on mukava kuunnella vaikkei niistä aina 
mitään tolkkua saakaan." P. Monto, Talouselämä 6/99

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