On Tuesday, 13/03/2001 George De Bruin wrote:
> > > I downloaded and installed lyx-1.1.6fix1 and when I try to process
> > > (convert to LaTeX od print) the file I get the error message:
> > >
> > > \missing{begin{document}
> > >
> > > The problem is that the program sometime before `beginning' the
> > > document, calls the file english.cfg.
> > > How can tjis be fixed?
> >
> > This might be the result of an unclosed { in the preamble.
> While this may be true, might I suggest then that there is something going
> wrong between LyX 1.1.5 and 1.1.6? I have a number of files that I was
> working on in 1.1.5 that never exhibited this problem, but the moment I
> opened them in 1.1.6 they started exhibiting this exact same problem.
> If my memory serves me correctly, this is not the only time I have heard
> this mentioned on the list.
> // George
Every now and then I have to deal with this porblem, too. The way I solve it
(don't laugh :-):
Close the document in LyX.
Open the document with an editor (like emacs or - if you are a tough guy - vi)
Don't change anything but save the document.
Close the document in your editor.
Reopen the document with LyX.
Don't ask me why but then the problem disappears...
Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
- chief concept & design developer -
speed2web GmbH Germany
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