Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| The picture has not changed much from the intermediate results. It is now
| 1   g++ 2.7.3
| 0   2.8.1
| 7   2.91.66+
| 21  2.95.2+
| 1   Digital C++ V6.1
| 1   Sun CC 6.0
| 1   Compaq cxx V6.2-024
| 6   2.96+
| 6   .rpm
| I might have got something wrong in the lower part, but the important bit
| should be right: Nobody is forced to use g++ 2.8.* right now, but the
| 2.7.3 does not want to upgrade because the software is tuned to compiler
| version/c-lib. 

I see my gcc 3.0 is missing :-) am I among the 2.96?

I'd opt for not supporting anything older than 2.95.2.

one reason: it is not likely that number of 2.91.66 users will
increase, rather the opposite.


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