Hi, I just heard about LyX and, with great enthusiasm, set out to use it. I download the bundle 2.1.2 for Windows and installed it. MiKTeX also got installed. It looked like everything went well, but ..
Each and every Document Class is "Unavailable. There're hundreds listed, but none that can be used. I open any of the included manuals and a window pops up saying Document Class is missing and that I should look at section 3.1.2 of User's Guide. I looked at it and it asks me to look at Customization manual! I looked at it, but it is well beyond a beginner. (An early step says "Find it at CTAN or whatever".) Also, instructions don't cover Windows 8.1, which I use (that may or may not matter, if they're the same as for Vista. It does matter that instructions are inherently difficult and not explained with sympathy for newcomers.) The manuals say that there are innumerable Latex additions, they can't all be included/supported. Granted that, I was hoping that just a few widely-used Document Classes (e.g., article, book) would come standard. Document Class may not be the end of the problem for a beginner. In addition, for some manuals, there's a second pop-up window that says that I should install some module. Should someone like me just give up and go back to Scientific Word? TIA.