I just can't understand LyX tables. I upgraded to 1.1.6fix1 and I still have the same problem(s). Let's start from simple: How can I set both Table Column Width and Horizontal Alignment? - It's impossible to use both Tabular Layout/Column/Row/Width and H. Alignment. - I can set the Paragraph Layout/General/Alignment but this gives LaTeX errors. On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Herbert Voss wrote: > try the following: > delete the width for the last column. pay attention that the last cell Ok. > is the same than the other ones in this column. now choose horizontal > alignment Ok works so far. >and than the columwidth. But this sets the alignment to Left and grays it out so that I can't set it anymore! And the postscript is wrong too. Example attached. It gives "35 errors detected".
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