Graham Smith wrote:
> I am trying to open a file in 2.1.2,  which is about a year old (last
> opened 30th October 2013, as I update it annually), but not sure which
> version of Lyx it was last edited in.
> I am getting an error that the file was created in an older version of lyx
> and the lyx2lyx script failed to recover it.
> It is one of two documents created at the same time, and the second
> document opens fine.
> This one however, gives this error message in Mavericks and Ubuntu 14.04.
> The debug message just says the same as the error message.
> I have attached the file, However it links to many  external graphics, so
> won't open as it is, but I am hoping that looking at the preamble etc might
> give a clue.
> I wonder if someone could have a look and suggest a solution.

This is bug 9298:

The bug has been fixed in the development branch and should get fixed for the 
next stable release as well.

Meanwhile, find attached a successfully converted (2.1.x) file.


> Many thanks,
> Graham

Attachment: 2013-10-29 R_GettingStarted Oct 2013.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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