On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 02:09:46PM +0100, Guenter Milde wrote:
> e.g.: For imaginary and real part of a complex numberI prefer Im and Re
> (in roman) : as \Re and \Im is already defind in LaTeX (inserting R and I
> in fractur), redefine them with \renewcommand in the preamble. I cannot
> use the math-macro in its present form for this task.
You can currently use the \setcommand from my previous mail, and also
put \let\newcommand=\setcommand in the preamble.
Another option (more safe as \setcommand is not used) is to put the following
lines in your preamble (or before the LyX math-macro definition):
It will undefine the \Re and \Im commands if they are already defined.