On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 11:13:52PM +0530, Rajiv Kumar Bajpai mt ee wrote:
> I have one problem in List of figure. The whole material written in the
> caption appears there. If the sentence is too long it becomes very odd. I
> want to know is there some way  that small sentence appears in the LOF
> instead of whole line. This is possible in Latex by putting the text we
> want to appear in []. I want same thing .How should I do in Lyx.

You first option is to put the caption in latex mode: change the paragraph to
Standard, press ctrl+l, and then type \caption[...]{...} (if you want, you
can disable late mode for the text inside the braces).

A nicer solution is to modify the layout file you use for your document,
adding to it the following lines:
Style ShortCaption
  CopyStyle             Caption
  LatexName             setshortcaption
  LabelString           "Short Caption:"
  LabelType             Static
\ifx \shortcaption \undefined
Then you can put a short caption paragraph before your caption paragraph.

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