Ramon Felciano wrote:
> Hi all --
> I'm having difficulties moving my dissertation from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6. I'm a
> relative LaTeX newbie, but through progressively stripping out parts of the
> file, it seems like the problem is related to an interaction between the
> babel and suthesis package. Below is a simple LaTeX file that reproduces the
> symptoms. The dissertation uses the suthesis-2e package
> (http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/suthesis/), which works fine under Lyx
> 1.1.5.
> Removing either the \usepackage{babel} or the \usrpackage{suthesis-2e}
> reference solves the problem. Given that the babel package seems to be a new
> inclusion (a Lyx 1.1.5 export-to-latex doesn't show it), can someone suggest
> how to further resolve this problem?

try the following:

save the suthesis-2e.sty in your ~./TeX/ dir and look for the line 234

\def\language#1{\gdef\@language{#1}} \def\@language{babel}

and put the comment char % in the first column




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