Hello all you,
OK after waiting long time I thought about testing the new LYX-Version
(luckyly not on the computer where I`m writing my PhD theses).
I'm running SUSE-Linux 6.3 on an old Pentium 166MMX:
- After fixing the Problems with ./configure (just insalling the
develoment tools for X11)
- after long time compiling I tested in /src ./lyx -> everything seemd
to work well
- after make install and starting lyx not from /src I get the message:
LyX Warning! Couldn't determine system directory. Try the '-sysdir'
command line parameter or set the environment variable LYX_DIR_11x to
the LyX system directory containing the file `chkconfig.ltx'.
Using built-in default /usr/X11R6/share/lyx but expect problems.
LyXTextClassList::Read: unable to find textclass file
`~/<unknown_path>'. Exiting.
LyX wasn't able to find its layout descriptions!
Check that the file "textclass.lst"
is installed correctly. Sorry, has to exit :-(
- after setting 'export LYX_DIR_11x=/usr/share/lyx' and starting lyx I
LyX: Unknown tag `\latex_command' [around line 6 of file
LyX: Unknown tag `\relyx_command' [around line 7 of file
LyX: Unknown tag `\literate_command' [around line 8 of file
LyX: Unknown tag `\literate_extension' [around line 9 of file
LyX: Unknown tag `\view_ps_command' [around line 11 of file
LyX: Unknown tag `\view_pspic_command' [around line 12 of file
LyX: Unknown tag `\fax_command' [around line 16 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-previous' [around line 33 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-view-ps' [around line 47 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-typeset' [around line 48 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-typeset-ps' [around line 49 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-view-ps' [around line 37 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-typeset' [around line 38 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-typeset-ps' [around line 39 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `buffer-fax' [around line 41 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `layout-paper' [around line 83 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `layout-table' [around line 84 of file
LyX: Unknown LyX function `layout-quotes' [around line 85 of file
Unable to find icon `paste'
Unable to find icon `font-emph'
Unable to find icon `font-noun'
Unable to find icon `font-free'
Unable to find icon `footnote-insert'
Unable to find icon `marginpar-insert'
Unable to find icon `depth-next'
Unable to find icon `tex-mode'
Unable to find icon `math-mode'
Unable to find icon `figure-insert'
Unable to find icon `dialog-tabular-insert'
lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!
What do I have to do???
Thanks in advance
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