On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 11:51:17AM +0100, Stephan E. Schlierf wrote:
> I'm just fizzling through the problem to create a hyperlink in a LyX
> dcoument. What I was doing is the following:
> LyX 1.1.6fix1 on a SuSE 7.0
> document class: SGML (LinuxDoc article)
> LaTeX preamble: \usepackage{hyperref}
> Defined the link target by: \hypertarget{internal name}{displayed name}
> (in LaTeX mode)
> Defined the link by: \hyperlink{internal name}{displayed name} (in LaTeX
> mode)
> Then I exported the text by File -> Export -> HTML but the link doesn't
> appear.
> What's going wrong ?
As far as I know, the preamble for LinuxDoc document should be a LinuxDoc
preamble, and it cannot contain latex command. Also you can't put latex
command in the document.
If you want a hyperref in a LinuxDoc document, just use the insert->url.