Thanks all.
I have used the solution proposed byt Herbert and Dekel (a combination), and
it works. I have the number in TOC, but there is no rule I can see declining
that fact. If they return it back then I will worry about that. So, what I
did was to number the sections and use
in the Latex Preamble.
Thanks alot
On Wednesday 14 February 2001 18:46, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 10:59:24AM +0000, Remzi Seker wrote:
> > Dear Herbert,
> >
> > Thank you for your help. But to make that command work I have to enable
> > the section numbering and I can not have the section numbers appear in
> > the section (subsection, sub subsection) headings.
> >
> > Any idea how I can have the equation numbers with section numbers but
> > sections headers without numbers? I know it does not make much sense...
> > but graduate school has rules!
> Use
> \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{}
> You can also use the titlsec package that gives a better control over
> section title appearance.