Dear LyX-ers,

                I am currently trying to export a simple document written
in LyX (of which I am a longtime user) into RTF.

I downloaded latex2rtf ver. 1.8aa, compiled & installed it. When running
(from the command line) latex2rtf on the <name>.tex file I get the
following error (the same I used to get with ver. 1.8a, which I used to

.... lots of RTF code
{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}

kickstart-rm-080201.tex:1: Error! Failed fgetpos; main.c (Convert): errno

ANY LaTeX-from-LyX file I have tried to convert fails with this error.

Any hints? Tnx a lot in advance!

                        Marco Bravi

Marco Bravi                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dip. Ing. Chimica               tel. +39-06-44585587 / 612
v. Eudossiana, 18               fax  +39-06-4827453
I-00184 Roma (Italy)            

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