On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 12:54:47PM -0600, Darryl VanDorp wrote:
> Can anyone give me the complete
> idiots guide to getting lyx to use
> the docbook format?
The only document you find now is the example file. Open a document and
search for docbook-article.
> I can't seem to get the sgml-tools and
> lyx etc. to play nice and export docbook.
If you are refering to sgml-tools that means version 1. The support for
docbook is only present in versions 2 and 3. The version is called
Supposing that are using a linux system, and depending on the distribution
you can get several packages that automatically support docbook. I refer
linux because that is the OS I know better, but certainly those tools work
for other *nix's.
> Any help would be appreciated?
If you have further doubts please post it to the list, and we will try to
answer it.
> --Darryl