>I'm going to install Linux (or FreeBSD) mainly for using Tetex and
>LyX. I realize the packages are the same.  Will things work equally
>well in, say, Debian, Mandrake or FreeBSD? 

My experience is limited to FreeBSD, but it works very well for me on that 
platform.  I'm using FreeBSD from the STABLE line, secured over the net on 
January 30, and using LyX from the then current "ports" package, lyx-

I highly recommend getting LyX through the ports package, and FreeBSD isn't 
the only system to use the ports package, anymore.  On a network-connected 
machine, all one has to do is change directory into /usr/ports/print/lyx and 
type "make install" as root.  The ports package gets whatever LyX files you 
need, and builds whatever else may be needed.  All you have to do is get 
coffee (or lunch -- with my 486 machine) while ports does all the work.  There 
are faster ways to make a binary-only installation (the "packages" package 
under FreeBSD), but I prefer to know that my binaries match the source code if 
I ever have to track down a problem.
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