Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> My problem is that I have some wide equations on 2-column article, that
> will be printed over the equation number on the right edge of the
> column. If there's just one equation line, the AMSmath is clever enough to
> move the equation number down that they don't overlap. But it doesn't do
> this for multiline equations. How could I prevent the equation and its
> number from overlapping?
> I tried using
> \addtolength{\parindent}{-3cm}
> {\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{
> ..equation...
> }\addtolength{\parindent}{3cm}
> to move the equations a little bit left, but this doesn't seem to work
> with two column paper.
write your formulae as usual with lyx, than (with cursor
in this formula-line) do a
layout->paragraph->extra(1.1.6)->Indented Paragraph
and write in the field for example -1cm!
in lyx-screen the formua is indented with the positiv value
of 1cm (shigted to the right), but in dvi it's okay.