Hi Karen,

click on "use geometry package" just below paper size and type standard units
(e.g. cm, mm) behind the margin size. Did the same "mistake" two weeks ago...



On 27-Jan-01 Karen P. Watkins wrote:
> Hello,
> I have downloaded and installed LyX 1.1.6.  I am VERY impressed and am
> planning on using it for my thesis work.  It is very intuitive and
> straight forward.  I have completed the tutorial and read through the
> users guide (mostly).  The only thing (so far) that I can not seem to
> get to work is changing the margin sizes in the document.  Specifically,
> under Layout/Document/Paper, when I type anything into Margins/Top,
> Bottom, Left, Right, the OK button grays not allowing me activate these
> changes.  According to the documentation, you must have geometry package
> installed to use this option.  I looked through the LaTeXConfig.lyx file
> and it shows that I have the geometry package installed.  What am I
> doing wrong?  I have Red Hat 6.2.  I downloaded rpm binaries from
> ftp://ftp.sylvan.com/pub/lyx/ file name: lyx-1.1.6-1.i386.rpm.  I also
> downloaded and installed xforms-0.88-3.i386.rpm.  I appreciate any
> insight.
> Thanks
> Karen

Arne Pallentin

Department of Earth Sciences
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton - New Zealand

Ph.:       +64-7-838 4024 ext. 6229
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