On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Michael Zapf wrote:
> > 1. Open master.lyx, open the insert reference dialog, and return to chap1.lyx.
> > Now, whenever you open the insert reference dialog in chap1.lyx, you will
> > get a list of all labels in all the files.
> Yes, seems to be working alright. Hmm, what about adding a box to InsertReference
> like "Take references from file(s)..."?
> > 3. In LyX 1.1.6, type M-x reference-insert ref|++||++|<label> where <label> is
> > the required label.
> I'd prefer option 1.
> Thanks for your help. The users guide/extended guide should contain this info.
There is a information in the ext. guide, but only to method 2.
There should be a info about the more comfortable master-files-method, too.
1.4.2 Cross-References Between Files
It is possible to set up cross-references between the different files.
First, open all the files in question: let's call them A and B in a two
file example, where B is included in A. Let's say you insert a label in A,
then want to reference it in B. Switch to A, then select
Insert->Cross-Reference. Now switch the document to B without closing
the cross-reference popup. Insert the cross reference and you are done!
When you preview file A, everything is properly included and labeled.
If you accidentally close the popup, then reopen it while you are in B,
you will only see B's labels. This whole procedure is perhaps a bit
counterintuitive (it has even been called a bug), but it does work.
Jan Goebel (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
DIW Berlin
Longitudinal Data and Microanalysis
Königin-Luise-Str. 5
D-14195 Berlin -- Germany --
phone: 49 30 89789-377