John Adcock wrote:
> > For the life of me I can't figure out how to get it to insert the way
> > it used to - before (or after) the caption.
> OK, so I'm replying to my own question - not sure how I didn't try this before.
> If I hit a return in the caption I can insert->tabular in the line above the
> caption and get the table before the caption like I want it. (or type in the
> caption and hit return and insert->tabular to get a table after the caption)
> I then have to select the table and change
> the paragraph alignment to center because hitting return inside the caption
> loses the default table centering.
> I still doubt that this is the intended behavior for inserting a table into a
> table float.

it's just the same for figures and algorithm.
figures always have their caption below, but tables often
above, in germany also often below.



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