On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> I didn't manage to crash it another time, so I guess this bug report is
> pretty useless, but I hope the best.
Aha! Now I found how to reproduce this. Get the file
and do exactly as following with LyX 1.1.6:
Run LyX with
lyx lyxbug1.lyx
Scroll down using scroll bar and mouse slowly until you see well
couple of first lines of multi-line equation with "SSD(x,y)" at the first
Move the cursor so that the middle of the cursor is exactly on top of the
"," character after the word "SSD". Ie. the cursor must be at
"subscript" position. Click left mouse button. The equation jumps suddenly
down half a line (bug #1).
Select "Insert/Label" from menu, using mouse. LyX crashes. Bug #2.
(permission to use the .lyx file is only for bug tracking purposes...)