On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 03:44:44AM -0800, belahcene abdelkader wrote:
> hi everybody,
> I have used arabic support in lyx1.1.5, (redhat 6.0 )
> whithout big problem.
> I only copied (thank you dekel ) the lyxrc.example to
> my lyx Home and changing the corresponding lines to
> the arabic support. (I used arabtex )
> Now, with Lyx 1.1.6, I try do the same thing but the
> program does't work.
> I couldn't understand. I use the Redhat 7.0.
The "No font matches request." messages you got are caused by the lack of
italics Arabia font, and should not cause a problem (you get the same
messages with 1.1.5).
I don't know why you get crashes with lyx 1.1.6. Please send backtraces to
lyx-devel (see file BUGS.lyx for instructions for creating a backtrace).
Try also running 'lyx -userdir /tmp/.lyx'. Do you get crashes ?
PS: I have no problem using Arabic with 1.1.6.