On 19 Jan 2001, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> Rod Pinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | Hello all,
> | 
> | Mea Culpa. Well, sort of. The format of {\a{a}} doesn't work. Oddly, it
> | works for {\"{u}} though. 
> \aa is not an accent it is a character in its own right.
> The accented variant you are after is "\r{a}"

Ah, now I think I see this distinction. I'm after the character form, as
it is for someones name.

> |Not sure where I picked it up. Changing it to
> | {\aa} provided the solution, which now quite happily uses T1 encoding.
> some trivia:
> Why not input it directly :-) "åÅ"
> (separate key on my keyboard, but I can also get it by Compose + * + a)

My poor mind would melt trying to get it to work, I suspect. At the
moment, I run lyx at work in a vmware virtural machine, running on top of
NT 4.0. I could run the NT version of lyx, but then I'd lose all my nice
unix support utilities. 

I think I'm the only personin the world at the moment who uses linux for
their "productivity" applications, and NT for their numerical calc :)
> I am sure I have said this before, but "æøå" (ÆØÅ), is the last three
> letters in the norwegian alphabet. So we don't say from A-Z, but A-Å.
>         Lgb
 Indeed. Sometime I fear my ignorance is astounding.

Thanks for the help (and lyx BTW, 1.1.6 looks very good!)

rod   | "How would the Yo-Yo king feel if he were stripped, in less than a
      |  decade, of all his customers except cops and Hell's Angels?"
      |    Hunter S. Thompson, "Hells Angels"

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