>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Sykora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jan> Hello all. I have recently experienced some problems with
Jan> lyx-1.1.6 handling of dead keys when using a national
Jan> (czech.kmap) keybord lyx layout. When pressing dead key acute
Jan> there appears only a mark for footnote and for dead caron there
Jan> appears a space. This behoviour appears on both RedHat linux
Jan> 6.2/7.0(XFree4) i386. I have tried binary distribution (rpm) and
Jan> also the one compiled from the sources - all with the same
Jan> result. I should also note that all previous versiton up to
Jan> 1.1.5fix2 work flawlessly.

This is indeed a bug. I am currently trying to find what is wrong, but
understanding this code is a pain.


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