Andre Berger schrieb:
> Straight to the point: I'm very disappointed. Not even M$ dared to
> introduce............
I doubt that this might be a helpful comparision, thinking in this terms
might also direct into a wrong direction ! There a so many differences
between MS and the Lyx- project that it seems to me not worth thinking
deeply about it !
> they made (or declared) changes in major releases "only",
> e.g. Word 6/97/2000. What do you think I mean when I see a .lyx file?
> Not that I don't know if I'll ever be able to open it, like one of
> those dreaded .doc files. When I use LyX I want the long-term
> compatibility the underlying LaTeX provides.
by the way is there a possibility to convert 11.5 files to LaTex and
re-import them to 1.1.6 (althought this might be a bit uneasy in case of
included graphics, isn't it?)
> If a .lyx file is not a
> .tex file, well; but if a .lyx file is not readable by the
> not-latest-and-greatest minor(!) version because the file format has
> changed, we're heading into the wrong direction.
> Please don't get me wrong: I apppreciate the LyX project very much,
> and I want to say thank you right now to all the great folks who bring
> in their time and skills and creativity. Nevertheless, though I never
> thought I needed to, I'll also look for alternative tex shells from
> now on.
> These are my \EUR{0,02}, and you know it's quite weak a currency
> nowadays. I'd be very interested in your opinion; and will relyx a
> little now...
I think that a workaround is needed to meet most needs of users towards
format compatibility and developers on this list.Arousing a flame isn't
very helpful.......
> Thomas
> --
> Andre Berger [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]