While working on my syllabus yesterday, I was looking at various document styles, and I found one I liked, except the section titles were centered, and I wanted left-justified titles. So I just selected those paragraphs-layout-paragraph and changed the justification to left. When I tried to view dvi, I got errors in all of those paragraphs. The errors mostly said there was an imbalanced } or that something was wrong with a \para command. Anyway, I went through and changed all the sections to centered and then the document was processed without errors. If it is true that sections cannot be correctly modified through layout-paragraph, shouldn't LyX block me from making those changes? I'm using Lyx 1.1.5fix2. -- Paul E. Johnson email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dept. of Political Science http://lark.cc.ukans.edu/~pauljohn University of Kansas Office: (785) 864-9086 Lawrence, Kansas 66045 FAX: (785) 864-5700